Faster than what?

A dandelion?

Look, photosynthesis and mineralization with nutrient uptake and tissue growth occurs at a maximum rate when proper lighting energy, correct water pH, correct nutrient macros, and proper air quality is maintained. The finish time for cannabis once it enters flower is a genetic factor which is not hastened as lighting cycle control has not shown itself to able to hasten the finishing and maximum yield of trichome THC production.

Can you make cannabis grow faster?

Not in the true sense of the word. You can force it to go into flower as a cutting by manipulating the light cycle but your yield would be essentially non-existent as your veg time was too short to allow proper structure and nodes to occur.

You could try hydroponics but once again your yield will be diminutive unless you are vegging the plant for a time, and as the medium used will not readily support a larger yielding plant you need to grow more of the plants to achieve similar yield as plants in soil. You could try aeroponics but once again you still are limited to the size of your veg plant and an aeroponics tank limits the size of the plant you can grow due to the size of the tank.

Total yield and time are linked together. As you shorten vegetative time, the overall yield is lessened.

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